Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas

I got a couple of Christmas cards this week from 2 former swimmers and the parents of a current one. The came with small token gifts, that did contain a good deal of thought though, but they also came with words. Those of you who know me, know that I am a softy and these cards evoked many emotions. Nothing makes me happier than knowing I have made or am making a difference and I realized something...The presents are nice, but words are the best gift.

With money a bit tight this Christmas (I've said it before and will again, please buy more Breeze Bars) I have some gifts for the people in my life.

To: Breeze
You only get a stocking this year. No big presents. I have already given you my heart. It is not nearly equal to what you have given me, but its all I got.

To: my family
I give you Alka-Seltzer and Advil and a child Lo Jack for my teenage years. I also give you my gratitude and love for always listening, pushing and holding me up in the times when I could no longer do it myself. No one could every ask for more.

To: my brother
I give you a million buildings to design and 20 extra hours a day to do it. You need some down time man. I am a lucky brother. Thanks for always believing in your little brother.

To:Kaia and Jackson
I give you everyday like the ones you have now. you have an incredible Mother and Father. Don't every stop smiling, playing or dancing. The world is yours.

To: the Browns
I give a day on the river. August 20th, 2011. I hope I can always show you how important you all are to me.

To: Denny, Erin and RallySport
I give you a jack hammer, some concrete and more water. In thanks for sticking with me when I seemed insane and for always allowing me to try my crazy ideas.

To:My family of pain (Scott, Seth, Cam, Broski, Cari, Jessie, Flora and Allen)
I give you some supplemental Oxygen for the hard days and bright sun and 75 degrees for the days you feel good.

To:JD, Kristen, Cam and all the families and swimmers on RACE
I give you a razor, a suit and a taper when it is time to go fast and all my gratitude for making my worst days some of the best I could ever imagine.

I give you an extra Monday night each week to finish our Apex coaching programs and I will happily coach Abby in anything anytime. thanks for taking me on.

To: Krughoff
I give you some dog treats. thanks for teaching this old dog some new tricks.

T0: Ariel, Will, Boups, the wizard, Keller, Brandon, Shawn, Ward, Amy and all the other Colorado Crossers.
I give you a muddy day, some great coffee, a fine beer, unlimited Dugasts and I make everyday Wednesday. Thanks for a great year.

To: Blondin and Jonathan
I give you the perfect girl, cute little nose, tiny little chin, big brown (or blue or green) eyes...

To: Joe, Dave, Matt and BC
I give you something, anything to do at work so that you will stop sending me random stuff from the internet.

To: Mara, Maddie, Cam, Jd, Christiana, Broski, Lahey, Neil, Jeff, Eney et al
I give the happiness to you as athletes, that you all have always given to me as a coach.

Merry Christmas everybody and Happy Holidays to all. Take a minute and thank the important people in your life. it goes a great deal further than you think.

1 comment:

Greg said...

Merry Christmas Grant! Great season and looking forward to 2011!